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Time For Change Issues Tips For Talking In Bid To Tackle Mental Health Issues

Talking about mental health with those who suffer from these problems can strengthen friendships, aid their recovery, break down stereotypes and take the taboo out of something which is so often seen in a negative light.

The new Time To Change online and TV ad campaign aims to help people come to terms with their mental health problems through simple conversation and has issued a few tips on how to start things off on its Tips for Talking web page.

Most people find it difficult to talk about mental illness but the campaign says you don't need to be an expert on mental health to talk about what is normally seen as a very sensitive subject.

According to Time To Change, it's often the everyday things that make a difference – like asking ‘How are you?’ or sending a text and its set up a series of printable Talking Tip card to help remind you how simple helping someone suffering from a mental illness can be.

There are lots of simple, everyday ways you can support someone who has a mental health problem where small things can really make a big difference. All you have to do in many cases is be there to listen, keep in touch and remind them that you care.

The organisation's Tips for Talking are part of a larger campaign where it is asking people across the UK to start a conversation about mental illness.

The campaign explains how you don't need to be an expert to talk about mental health issues and centres around the fact that 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any single year.

Statistically this means that you're more than likely to know someone who has been affected by a mental health issue and below are some of the stars of the campaign explaining how simply talking can make a difference.

Time to Change is a campaign aimed at ending mental health stigma and discrimination across the UK and you can find out more about its latest "Start your conversation" adverts by visiting its Talk about mental health web page.

Alternatively, if you want to find out more about mental health across Wales please visit the various sections of our website for further information about a whole range of these kinds of issues.

More Mental Health Conversations From Time To Change

Last week we posted about the new UK-wide campaign aimed at asking people to start a conversation mental health in a bid to help out those who suffer from these kinds of problems.

The Time To Change online and TV ad campaign explains how you don't need to be an expert to talk about mental health issues and centres around the fact that 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any single year.

Statistically this means that you're more than likely to know someone who has been affected by a mental health issue and below are some of the stars of the campaign explaining how simply talking can make a difference.

Paul and Rob

Isaac and Aronda

To see all the stars' stories just visit the Time To Change Talk about mental health web page where you can here everything they have to say.

Time to Change is a campaign aimed at ending mental health stigma and discrimination across the UK and you can find out more about its latest "Start your conversation" adverts by visiting its Talk about mental health web page.

Alternatively, if you want to find out more about mental health across Wales please visit the various sections of our website for further information about a whole range of these kinds of issues.

Call To End Mental Health Stigma In Your Community

A leading mental health campaign is asking people to come up with initiatives to help rid their local communities in Wales of the stigma surrounding mental health.

Time to Change Wales is asking people to come forward with ideas to challenge people's negative perceptions of mental illness as part of its Social Leadership Community Projects Scheme.

If you’ve got an idea, project or initiative to tackle your local mental health issues then the campaign may be able to help make it happen the scheme's grants which will be used to fund 5 projects over 3 years across the country.

Suggested proposals range from hosting events challenging the way people currently think about mental illness, activities bringing people with and without mental health problems together or projects which get people to talk about mental health.

The organisation's English campaign has recently launched its own TV and online campaign along these lines called "Start Your Conversation" which you can read all about on our last blog post - Mental Health Campaign Asks UK to 'Start A Conversation'.

The closing dates for applications for the Social Leadership Community Projects Scheme is 18th February 2013 and for further information please visit the following page on the organisation's website - What is the Social Leadership Community Projects Scheme?

Time to Change Wales is led by Mind Cymru, Gofal and Hafal and is a campaign aimed at ending mental health stigma and discrimination within Wales.