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Mental Health Campaign Asks UK to 'Start A Conversation'

A leading mental health campaign has asked people who don’t have to have a mental health problem to start a conversation about mental health via its new TV and online adverts.

The new Time To Change ads explain how you don't need to be an expert to talk about mental health issues and asks you to be there for someone you know if they come across these kinds of problems.

The basis of the new TV and online ads centres around the fact that 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any single year.

Statistically this means that you're more than likely to know someone who has been affected by a mental health issue.

Sadly, it's often difficult to talk about mental health problems and it can lead to the loss of friendships, isolation, not seeking out help and in turn slower recovery.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way as talking about mental health can strengthen friendships, aid recovery, break down stereotypes and take the taboo out of something which affects us all.

Time to Change is a campaign aimed at ending mental health stigma and discrimination across the UK and you can find out more about its latest "Start your conversation" adverts by visiting its Talk about mental health web page.

Alternatively, if you want to find out more about mental health across Wales please visit the various sections of our website for further information about a whole range of these kinds of issues.

Essential Characteristics and Components of Primary Care Mental Health Services

We'd like to introduce you to a report we have commissioned which looks at the experiences and feelings of GPs and mental health practitioners.

Although the Essential Characteristics and Components of Primary Care Mental Health Services centres around the experiences of mental health professionals in North Wales we feel the evidence it has produced is applicable across Wales. 

The report contains key messages for policy makers as it shows how professionals from widely different backgrounds view the services they work in and how policy can impact on their performance. 

It uses scientifically-proven qualitative research techniques and we commissioned the work to look at the key components needed to create an effective primary care service.  

The document is not long and we feel it is an extremely valuable read with a useful synopsis of its findings available in Dr Mark Boulter’s (Chair of WaMH in PC) letter.

The report was authored by Helen J. Lewis, BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD and Seren Haf Roberts, Dip N (MH), RN (MH), BSc(Hons), PhD, MSc and can viewed and downloaded from the following link - Essential Characteristics and Components of Primary Care Mental Health Services.

Get Your Facts Right About Mental Health

Following our post on Wednesday about the Time to Change Wales camaign to help to dispel the myths about mental illness here's its advert showing why it’s so important to get your facts right about this sensitive issue.

View the ad below or alternatively visit the Time to Change Wales Channel on Youtube at

Time to Change Wales is led by Mind Cymru, Gofal and Hafal and is a campaign aimed at ending mental health stigma and discrimination within Wales.